How indigenous Communities fought COVID19
Latin American indigenous communities come from a tradition of health practices sustained in deep knowledge of nature and sacred respect for life.
Also, many indigenous communities have been subject of medical violence, being forced to accept western medicine and subjected to medical procedures against their will.
During the COVID crisis, indigenous immigrant communities have paid with their lives the absence of sufficient medical infrastructure and lack of information in indigenous languages.
Both historic and recent realities, among other factors, have made indigenous communities hesitant to accept remedies that come from western science. Yet, indigenous communities are part complex urban societies like New York and so they fight for their right for accesible and reliable information as well as recognition of their ancestral remedies.
Indigenous communities part of la Red de Pueblos have participated in research, community conversations and outreach strategies to have one on one conversations with western health experts and community peers to take steps to end COVID19 in a safe and culturally competent way.
Watch our videos photos and other materials in this section to see what we have accomplished.
Materials distributed during the peak of the covid19 in 2019
Solo el pueblo puede salvar al pueblo!
La Ciudad de Nueva York no cuenta con los Hospitales suficientes para atender una epidemia como el COVID-19. Tampoco, muchos de nosotros y nosotras dejaremos de trabajar porque no podemos o porque nos lo piden los patrones.
Por eso, a la gente de los pueblos nos va a tocar sufrir las consecuencias de esta crisis por una o por otra razón.
Hemos preparado estos materiales en español y mixteco para poder apoyarte en estos momentos.
1.- COVID-19: Guía de Recursos para los pueblos. Material desarrollado por la La Red de Pueblos Trasnacionales.
2.- Precauciones para prevenir el Coronavirus COVID19. Material creado por la Ciudad de Nueva York y La Red de Pueblos Trasnacionales