Board, staff and members


General assembly

Each committee elects a representative to join our Leadership Council, through which we organize our annual plan and activities. Current members are:


Marco Castillo. Puebla/Tlaxcala. Board President. Co-Executive Director, Global Exchange.

Marco has worked as facilitator, mediator, interpreter, organizer and advocate with rural and indigenous immigrant communities in Mexico, US and Central America for over 21 years.

Esteban Estevez. Mixtec from Teopantlán, Puebla. Business owner, media producer, cultural organizer and father.

Javier Rodríguez. Tetlanohcan, Tlaxcala. Carnaval lover, advocate and organizer.

Berenice Santiago. nahua from San Pedro Benito Juárez, Puebla. An advocate, organizer and mother.

Yogui Ariza, from Epatlán, Puebla. Advocate, organizer and mother of 4.


Regina Favela, LMSW. Deputy Director of Social Services

Luis Angel Gallegos. Mexico Research and organizing coordinator. Oaxaca, México


Esteban Estevez. Co-founder. Nahuatl migrant, businessman, community leader and organizer. We has been living and working in New York for over 20 years.

Myrna Lazcano. Co-founder. Migrant from Tepeaca, Puebla, Myrna is a champion of family reunification and immigrant rights advocacy. She was separated form her two daughters for over three years and after a long battle she was able to be let back in the US.

Esthela Plata. Co-Founder. Social Worker from Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Esthela is a strong activist for immigrant rights and social justice for all people from Latin America.