
NewYorkTlan is our annual celebration of the contributions of indigenous (Native-American and new immigrant communities) to the United States. At this unique event we invite families and organizations from Latin America to come and join us showcasing the word, flavor and music of their places of origin.



The first NewYorkTlan Festival happened in Queens, NY, thanks to the generous support of the New York Taxi Alliance, that lent us their amazing space to celebrate the contributions of indigenous migrants to the city of New York and to the United States.

Through the support of Ñani Migrante, La Colmena and IIPSOCULTA in the US, we organized the first edition of this event, that welcomed the first group of women and men from our communities in Mexico for a celebration of our dances and traditions as symbols of unity across borders .


The Second NewYorkTlan was held in Harlem, Manhattan, thanks to the generous support of the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center, that allowed us to use their beautiful space for a new edition of this unique festival that received much more attention than the first year, proving the importance of this celebration for the immigrant community.

We welcomed representatives from Teopantlán, Puebla; Mexico City; San Jerónimo Xayacatlán, Puebla; and Guerrero.




Our third year took us to Brooklyn, NY, where the Iglesia del Perpetuo Socorro, in Sunset Park, opened its doors to our unique Fiesta.

This year we set up and altar for the death, and a photo exhibit about the work of our leaders in communities in Mexico.

And to promote NewYorkTlan, we filmed ourselves inviting everyone to our Festival, that welcomed more than 500 people that year.


The Bronx was the home of our 4th NewTorkTLan Festival, that opened with a first-ever seen in NY Xochipitzahuac dance, led by the women from Teopantlán, Puebla.

Also, that year we presented the initiative of forming a Non-profit organization that would fight for the rights of the indigenous in New York Cit: La Red de Pueblos Trasnacionales.

We had over 1,000 attendants, and we presented dances and songs from Puebla, Tlaxcala and Guerrero as part of a Program presented in Spanish, English, Nahuatl and Mixteco.



2018 marked our 5th edition, and Staten Island was the last stop in our 5-borough stop. Thanks to La Colmena and Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden, we took our transnational program outdoors for the first time, setting up booths with hadcrafts, food and workshops from the committees in Mexico and in the US.

Councilwoman Debi Rosa and councilmen Carlos Menchaca opened the event with a speech that reminded the more than 1,5000 New Yorkers attending the event, that we were, and still are, standing over indigenous land.


After two long years of pandemic, we got back together to Celebrate NewYorkTlan in 2021.


Our NewYorkTlan 2022 was held in the neighborhood of Queens, in New York City, featuring over 10 cultural performances from indigenous cultural groups and dance troupes from Mexico and the US, as well as over 500 people in attendance.

Watch this video from our 2022 NewYorkTlan Festival, produced by journalist Gustavo García:


NewYorkTlan 2023 was held in Manhattan, with dozens of cultural performances.

Read this chronicle, by Gloria Taddii from Molino informativo, about this edition of our transnational festival: